
I've always had a passion for moving to music, as a child I enjoyed copying dance routines from the TV, or making up my own and dancing around the living room. To be honest, not much has changed! hehe
I have a degree in Education, and have worked for many years with young children, but in 2011 I trained as a fitness instructor and I have never looked back. I do genuinely love my job! I don't even think of it as a job as I have far too much fun! 
It is very rewarding when I see people's confidence grow. I remember being that person on the back row, puffing and panting thinking I was never going to be fit! I've been there, so I know how it feels and I try to ensure everyone has a positive experience when taking part in any of my classes. Yes it may hurt a bit sometimes, yes you're going to sweat, but as long as you leave with a big smile on your face, then I'll be happy :) 